3D Kenya

Kenya_GLOBE_06 (id: 6) (sensor_id: 6) located at Mkungi Secondary School
Description: 3DPAWS site at the Mkungi Secondary School
This instrument is designated as: ACTIVE
(If 'INACTIVE', the instrument will not appear in the dashboard.)


472997 measurements were reported.
This instrument is expected to report a measurement every 900 seconds.
The first measurement was measured at 2022-04-18 00:00:05 UTC.
The last measurement is over 1 year old. It was measured at 2022-12-17 08:45:42 UTC.

Plot measurements for the last 1 weeks

Live Update Interval (in seconds)        Live Data Monitor

Data Start Time: Data End Time:


Short Name Name Units Min/Max (Plot) Measured Property  
t1 HTU21D_T percent
/ Temperature
rh1 HTU21D_RH percent
/ Humidity Value
msl1 BMP180_SLP percent
/ Sea Surface Pressure
sp1 BMP180_SP percent
/ Air Pressure Value
t2 BMP180_T percent
/ Temperature
t3 MCP9808 percent
/ Temperature
ws windspeed percent
/ Wind Speed
wd winddirection percent
/ Wind Direction Angle
rain precipitation percent
/ Precipitation Rate
vis1 SI1145_VIS percent
/ Radiance
ir1 SI1145_IR percent
/ Radiance
uv1 UV1145_UV percent
/ Radiance
