3D Kenya


URLs for data ingest and download
Instrument: Kenya_GLOBE_09 (id: 9)
Although this example is for a specific instrument, the syntax is common to all of them. instrument_id specifies the instrument. For putting data, there is a list of variable short names with their corresponding measurement value. All of the qualifiers (i.e. the fields following "?" and "") are order independent.

Download Single Instrument Data

Action URL format Qualifiers Example
Insert data w/instrument_id GET instrument_id, at, email, api_key, test http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/measurements/url_create?instrument_id=9&t1=HTU21D_T&rh1=HTU21D_RH&msl1=BMP180_SLP&sp1=BMP180_SP&t2=BMP180_T&t3=MCP9808&ws=windspeed&wd=winddirection&rain=precipitation&vis1=SI1145_VIS&ir1=SI1145_IR&uv1=UV1145_UV&at=2015-08-20T19:50:28&email=[USER_EMAIL]&api_key=[API_KEY]&test
Fetch a CSV file .csv start, end, last http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data/9.csv?start=2015-08-01T00:30&end=2015-08-20T12:30
Fetch a GeoJSON file .geojson start, end, last http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data/9.geojson

Download Multiple Instrument Data

Action URL format Qualifiers Example
Download all instruments for past 24 hours GET http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data
Download all instruments for past 24 hours with authentication GET email, api_key http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data?email=[USER_EMAIL]&api_key=[API_KEY]
Download all instruments w/date range GET start, end http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data?start=2015-08-01T00:30&end=2015-08-20T12:30
Download all instruments w/date range test data only GET start, end, test http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data?start=2015-08-01T00:30&end=2015-08-20T12:30&test
Download multiple instruments w/instrument ids GET instruments, start, end http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data?instruments=1,2,3&start=2015-08-01T00:30&end=2015-08-20T12:30
Download multiple instruments w/sensor ids GET sensors, start, end http://3d-kenya.chordsrt.com/api/v1/data?sensors=sen1,sen2,sen3&start=2015-08-01T00:30&end=2015-08-20T12:30

Optional Parameters

sensor_id= SENSOR_ID A sensor id may be specified instead of the numerical instrument id, this value superceeds instrument id if both are given
at= time A time to assign to the measurement. If not present, the measurement will be time stamped with the time that it was received by the portal.
api_key= API_KEY An optional validation key. It is required if "Require the security key in order to submit a measurement" is checked in the configuration. The api key value is specified in the user configuration.
email= USER_EMAIL A user email is required when supplying an API Key to access secured data.
test If present, this measurement will be marked as a test value. Test values can be deleted from the database using the "Delete Test Button" on the instrument page. Do not use this option for production-ready instruments.
start= time A start time for the returned measurements.
end= time An end time for the returned measurements.
last Return all measurements for the most recent measurement time stamp.
include_test_data=true Include test data in data downloads.